Make Your Online Brand Experience More Human
Successful companies know that marketing online today is about creating a conversation with customers. An effective business web site needs to quickly, effectively communicate who you are, why you are better, and why your brand is trustworthy.
At the end of the day, people do not choose to buy from a “web site.” Instead, they are choosing the people they trust to do business with and to buy from.
It’s critical that your online marketing agency understand this; that you need to make your web site and online marketing more human, or at least resemble who you are as business people as closely as possible.
Your Relationship Business
Ten years ago, not every professional or salesperson would say, “We are a relationship business.” Many businesses could sell their widgets without worrying about what their clients thought about who they were as ethical business people. Practically overnight, the Internet and social networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, MySpace and others changed that for just about every business, every industry, every cause, every artist.
Today, everyone is in a relationship business in order to win the customer and gain the sale or the donation. The Internet has become an industry creator, an industry killer, and an industry game-changer universally. And the pace of technology has forced the rules of business to evolve much faster than most of us can physically handle.
You Have 12 Seconds!
The rules of Internet Marketing can, and do, change daily and literally overnight.
If you are not staying on top of how to build relationships through “trust building” efforts and with your web site and social media, you are losing business every minute of every day to competition that is.
If your target prospects and customers do not understand not only what you do, but how you do it and why you do it, they will not trust you.
If people do not trust who you are and understand why they should choose you (or continue to choose you again and again), they will not do business with you. Your competition will gain that sale in about the same amount of time as you take to click “Back” on a Google search result.
You have 12 seconds before someone decides to click the “Back” button. Are you ready? At the end of the day, people are not buying from a “cool” or “beautiful web site. People are not buying from a Facebook Page.
When push comes to shove in the purchasing decision process, humans are choosing to buy from people they have learned to trust.
Yep. People don’t buy your product they buy you. They look at your product/service and then make a purchasing decision based on whether they like you or not.